There are 4 Ways to Vote
The 2019 Federal Election May Be the Most Important Vote You Ever Cast!

Let's Help Give Everyone the Opportunity to Have Their Say at the Ballot Box!
We believe every Canadian should get out and vote in Canada’s 2019 Federal Election, it’s so important. And if for some reason they have difficulty with getting to the polls or the timing of the election – let's help them out.
Thank you in advance to those who faithfully vote in the Bay of Quinte Riding.
This year, though, please also make a point of encouraging your family, friends, neighbours – all non-regular voters – to get out and follow your lead.'s mission is to inform folks in the Bay of Quinte Riding HOW, WHERE and WHEN they can vote.
Did you know there are four ways to vote? Please download our Ebook for details if you aren’t familiar with the various ways to vote.
IMPORTANT: Please help those who may have difficulties getting out to vote. Let them know the alternative voting methods. Offer to give them a ride! SHARE THIS WITH THEM!

Download our FREE Ebook
4 Ways to Vote
It's true, there are four ways you can vote, so no excuses!
- You can vote on Election day, or;
- Vote on an Advance Voting Day;
- Vote at your Local Elections Canada office, or;
- You can even vote by Snail Mail!
Our Ebook informs Bay of Quinte riding voters as to HOW, WHERE and WHEN…
…know the deadlines – make your vote count!

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